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Learn about laser engraving machines and CO2 laser cutting machines on the market? Good to use?

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Learn about laser engraving machines and CO2 laser cutting machines on the market? Good to use?


When it comes to Suzhou laser engraving machine, as the name suggests, it is an advanced device that uses laser to sculpt the materials that need to be carved. Laser engraving machine is different from mechanical engraving machine and other traditional manual engraving methods. Mechanical engraving machine uses mechanical means, such as diamond and other materials with high hardness to sculpt other things.

The laser engraving machine uses the thermal energy of the laser to engrav the material. The laser in the laser engraving machine is the core. Generally speaking, the laser engraving machine is more widely used, and has higher engraving accuracy and faster engraving speed. And compared with the traditional manual engraving method, laser engraving can also make the engraving effect very delicate, no less than the level of manual engraving technology. It is precisely because laser engraving machines have so many advantages, that the application of laser engraving machines has gradually replaced traditional engraving equipment and methods. Become the main carving equipment.

Laser engraving machines can be roughly divided into: non-metal laser engraving machines and metal laser engraving machines.

Non-metal engraving machine can be divided into: CO2 glass tube laser engraving machine and metal radio frequency tube laser engraving machine.

Metal engraving machines can be divided into: metal optical fiber marking machine and metal optical fiber laser engraving machine.

The laser engraving machine can improve the engraving efficiency, make the surface of the engraved place smooth and round, quickly reduce the temperature of the non-metallic material being engraved, reduce the deformation and internal stress of the engraved object; it can be divided into CO2 Metal laser engraving machine and optical fiber metal engraving machine. Co2 non-metal laser engraving machines generally use glass laser tubes in China, and some high-end laser engraving machines use co2 metal radio frequency tubes.

Let's talk about Suzhou laser cutting machine. What is the current CO2 laser cutting machine on the market? Good to use?

CO2 laser cutting machine, high power, can cut metal and non-metal materials, as well as highly reflective materials, metal materials, can cut 25mm stainless steel, carbon steel, etc. Non-metallic materials, can cut acrylic, wood materials, PVC and other materials, thickness up to 60mm, highly reflective materials, can cut 4mm aluminum plate, CO2 laser cutting machine cut surface smooth, good quality

The wavelength of CO2 laser is 10.6um, which is relatively easy to be absorbed by non-metals. It can cut non-metal materials such as wood, acrylic, PP, and plexiglass with high quality. The CO2 laser cutting machine is equipped with a nozzle that blows oxygen, compressed air or inert gas N2 at the exit of the beam to improve the cutting speed and the smoothness of the cut. In order to improve the stability and life of the power supply, the CO2 gas laser must solve the discharge stability of the high-power laser. According to international safety standards, laser hazards are classified into 4 levels, and CO2 lasers belong to the lowest hazard level.

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