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What are the factors that affect the cutting accuracy of laser cutting machines

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What are the factors that affect the cutting accuracy of laser cutting machines


The cutting accuracy of the laser cutting machine is one of the important standards for measuring the quality of the cutting machine. From a psychological perspective, of course, the higher the accuracy, the better. In fact, the accuracy of the laser cutting machine does not depend entirely on the equipment itself. In addition, our daily use specifications, replacement parts, materials, etc. will affect the accuracy of the laser cutting machine, the following Suzhou laser cutting machine manufacturers from the common several influencing factors one by one.

First of all, the laser cutting machine's beam is tapered, and the slit is tapered during operation. The thinner the cutting thickness, the smaller the change in state. That is, the middle cone of the laser beam can affect the cutting surface. Precision, the thicker the workpiece, the worse the accuracy.

Secondly, we must choose the appropriate focal length when using lasers. The smaller the light spot, the more accurate the cutting. This is also one of the factors affecting the cutting accuracy of laser cutting machines, and it is also a common adjustment item of laser cutting machines.

Thirdly, it is a factor that is relatively easy to be overlooked. There are differences in the work pieces made under the same conditions by the workbench, the simple workbench and the high-precision workbench.

The cutting material will affect the cutting effect. For example, the hardness of different parts of the wood is actually different. Even the same piece of wood will have a slight gap when cutting, and the cutting effect will be affected.

Above, the acrylic laser cutting machine manufacturers have introduced in detail several common factors that affect the cutting accuracy of laser cutting machines. I hope to help you. If you have any questions, you can consult Yiqiang Optoelectronics online.

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